Central regional conference of the SEE Media Observatory

Central regional conference of the SEE Media Observatory

Speeches, presentations and photo gallery from the conference “Media and journalism in SEE– Captured by particular i
Regional conference of the SEE Media Observatory in Tirana

Regional conference of the SEE Media Observatory in Tirana

Central regional conference “Media and journalism in South East Europe – Captured by particular interests or turning to serve the public?” was held in Tirana on 12-13 June 2014. 
Flash report 4: Albania

Flash report 4: Albania

Self- regulation in Albanian media: an incomplete story
Flash report 3: Albania

Flash report 3: Albania

Current trend indicates that media are often sandwiched between politics and business, facing constant challenges, as well as making important achievements.
Lobby Firm Behind Campaign to Smear Albanian Socialist

Lobby Firm Behind Campaign to Smear Albanian Socialist

The third article from Albania produced as a result of investigative journalism grants awarded by the project SEE Media Observatory.
