/ corruption

Return investigative journalism to the mainstream media

Return investigative journalism to the mainstream media

Politicians have created a latent conflict between the media and the non-governmental sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 
 A real power is passive

A real power is passive

A powerful man like Rupert Murdoch doesn't have to ask for favours. He will be given favours by politicians who are frightened by his newspapers.

Tackling systemic corruption higher on the agenda of media

Tackling systemic corruption higher on the agenda of media

Goran Klemenčič, Minister of Justice, Republic of Slovenia, former President of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption of the Republic of Slovenia (2010-2013) on importance of the alliance

Journalists need to take part in fighting corruption in the media

Journalists need to take part in fighting corruption in the media

Why building of mutual trust is needed between investigative journalists and the police in order to effectively fight corruption?

The media that is corrupt is media that does not fulfil its role

The media that is corrupt is media that does not fulfil its role

Edlira Nasi, Inspector/ Coordinator at the Department of Internal Control and Anti- corruption at Government of the Republic of Albania on possibility to establish a framework to systematically add
