Democratization online

Democratization online

Artan Mustafa reflects on the online sphere and its democratising effects in Kosovo

P24 publishes a report on Turkey’s media watchdog - for lawmakers

P24 publishes a report on Turkey’s media watchdog - for lawmakers

Advocacy for better practices and better position of the regulator

The big makeover of a Hungarian TV channel – from independence to bias

The big makeover of a Hungarian TV channel – from independence to bias

Shifts in ownership that led to political instrumentalisation of the tabloid news bulletin

Soft censorship - hard impact

Soft censorship - hard impact

State funding for media, misused for rewarding loyalty to the government, is a powerful tool of influence. Media are put in a position of dependence, under which the soft censorship grows.
Financial engineering for state and media capture

Financial engineering for state and media capture

Media integrity report: Regional overview of state-media financial relations in the countries of South East Europe 
