Flash report 6: Albania

Flash report 6: Albania

There are no abundant surveys and studies on the Albanian media landscape and the situation is even worse in the case of local media, whose trends and data have been documented only sporadically.
Flash report 6: Croatia

Flash report 6: Croatia

Surveys show that, in general, local media are the most trusted sources of information among local audiences.
Flash report 6: Macedonia

Flash report 6: Macedonia

A weak local media that serve more the political and business elites lack quality and diverse local content that meet
Media discounts to political parties raise concern

Media discounts to political parties raise concern

Anti-Corruption Agency of Republic of Serbia analysed corruption risks in draft media laws and most of its recommendations have
Flash report 6: Serbia

Flash report 6: Serbia

Local media in Serbia are facing problems that have threatened their survival for years: inconsistent legislation, non- transpar
